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Cookies policy


This page explains what you need to know about how we use cookies on our websites (, and how to choose to manage or remove them if you wish to do so.


Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our site. By continuing to browse our website, you agree to our use of cookies. During your visit to our website, cookies may be installed automatically on your Internet Browser.


Cookies are small files of letters and numbers that are stored on your browser or the hard drive of your computer. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive, which includes: - the name of the server that wrote it; - usually, an identifier in the form of a unique number; and - possibly, an expiry date. This information is stored on your computer in a simple text file which a server accesses to read and write information. A cookie must be associated with a single domain name ( so that only a request from the same server may access it. The cookies are files sent to your hard disc to help you navigate the website and produce visit statistics or show personalized advertisements based on your browsing. These cookies do not, in any circumstances, contain personal information. You can deactivate the sending of cookies by changing the settings of your internet browser. Each browser works differently. Cookie settings will typically be found in the ‘options’ or ‘preferences’ menu of your browser, and you can use the ‘Help’ option in your browser for more details.


For the best possible experience on our website, we strongly recommend that you leave cookies on.


The cookies on our websites are used in various different ways:

1. Anonymous cookies for assessing the number of visits to and the use of the online service.

The ‘visit statistics’ cookies are used to assess the website's audience (the number of visits, the average time spent by visitors, the items clicked on, etc.). The aim of these cookies is to continuously improve our website to ensure that it fulfills your requirements. The analytical cookies are strictly anonymous and do not, in any circumstances, permit the identification of the visitor to the website or the collection of any personal data (e.g. name and address).

2. Connection information memorization cookies

Some of our websites allow you to connect and enter identification information. These cookies are used, for example, to remember your account or your access to a particular service and are required for those operations.

3. Third party cookies (advertising)

Most of Citroën's internet advertising is displayed on third-party websites and put in place by a third party (Pro-dimensions). These third parties use their own cookies to analyze how many people have seen and/or clicked on an advertising banner. The cookies placed by third parties are based on the cookies policies of the companies which place them and we do not have access to read or create these cookies.

4. Other third party cookies


Citroën uses other third-party cookies to analyze your journey around our websites and suggest a brochure request or a test drive request where necessary, for example. These cookies are sent by us or by our technical service providers to assess who accesses the content and sections of our website, in order to evaluate them and improve their organization. Where applicable, these cookies also detect navigation problems and so allow us to make our services easier to use. These cookies only produce anonymous statistics and the number of visits and do not include any personal data. These cookies will also be used to personalize our websites according to the anonymous data collected from our different websites. The service life of these assessment cookies does not exceed 90 days.

5. Flash Cookies


The website uses Adobe Flash Player to present some of our content. In order to improve your user experience, local shared object cookies (or ‘flash’ cookies as they are commonly known) are used to provide certain functions. These flash cookies cannot be managed in your internet browser - they are managed in the Adobe flash player software. The Adobe website provides explanations about the cookies used and how to disable them here: Please be aware that restricting the use of flash cookies may affect the features available to you where flash cookies are used.


Below is a list of the main cookies used on
Cookie From  Cookie Name  What we use them for 
Citroën  ASP.NET_SessionId  This provides a new random value for every new user session which allows the server technology to store user-specific data temporarily on the server.
Citroën  CFG3D.SFG  This is used to save the session ID for customers choosing to save their vehicle configurations. 
Citroën  GCAMCookie  This is used to save the session ID for customers choosing to save their vehicle configurations. 
Citroën  Citroen.pays  This is used to store the user’s country and language preferences. 
Citroën  PHPSESSID  This provides a new random value for every new user session which allows the server technology to store user-specific data temporarily on the server. 
Citroën  CPPFRONT  We are working on providing more accurate information on these for you. 
Citroën  APACDCRFEND  This provides a new random value for every form requested and send by a user to store user-specific data temporarily on the server. 


Cookies are placed on your computer in a special folder and depending on the webpages that you visit, they can memorize:

• The webpages that you have visited recently

• The products that you are interested in

• The information system (language, country, operating system, browser, etc.) in order to optimize the display during your next visit to our websites.


The Central Tag service appointed by Citroën allows visitors to receive advertising personalized following their most recent browsing actions.


If you no longer wish to see these personalized advertisements then you can deactivate this personalization here:


Visit the website to find out more about online behavioral advertising and to see the blocking options for other companies which are members of the IAB.


Please note that advertisements will still be displayed when you are on the internet, but they will no longer be based on your areas of interest